September 27, 2004

who cares for whom

i had four legs,
i worked; i ate; i lived,
i sold two legs;
bought two hands instead.

i lost my job;
now got nothing to eat;
and wish i was dead;

i asked for two legs;
they said i already got 2 !!!?

i have to work
i have to eat
i have to live

September 25, 2004

my life

There must be more to life than this
There must be more to life than this
How do we cope in a world without love
Mending all those broken hearts
And tending to those crying faces

There must be more to life than living
There must be more than meets the eye
Why should it be just a case of black or white
There must be more to life than this

Why is this world so full of hate
People dying everywhere
And we destroy what we create
People fighting for their human rights
But we just go on saying c'est la vie
So this is life

There must be more to life than killing
A better way for us to survive
What good is life, in the end we all must die
There must be more to life than this

There must be more to life than this
There must be more to life than this
I live and hope for a world filled with love
Then we can all just live in peace
There must be more to life, much more to life
There must be more to life, more to life than this

Freddie Mercury

September 15, 2004

risk 2

a cold wind was blowing. i strolled through the narrow street, seeing wallpapers of my past on the dark brick walls. "is it a funny nightmare?" or maybe i got drunk! there was snow up to my knees. it was more like i was making my way through snow than having a nice walk in a romantic night! i was going slightly mad u know...
"what is that?" i was shocked by a bright light in front me, not so far; was an old bar called Pissed Coal! sure she was a pissed coal! she'd worked in the mine for about 10 years now she had no money and u can find nothing but hot stuff in her hands! always pissed, smoking cigarettes, talking sexy to strangers, ... and no way u get rid of that cocaine-like smell when she was talking to u.
so what could it be? "is she burning herself?" i made my steps fast to the front door, opened the door and... and there was another big shock! "Hey, you're here, huh? wanna join us? u know poker?" she was sitting with two odd-face fatso's. seemed like they wanted to change the subject cuz i didn't found a single card on the table...
to be continued

September 14, 2004


سلام، خوبي؟ مي خوام واسه ت يه قصه تعريف کنم. شب بود. از پشت پنجره هيچ جايي رو نمي شد ببيني. رد سرما پنجره ها رو هم گرفته بود.
اتاق من کوچيک تر از اونيه که فکرش رو بکني. يه اتاق دو در سه، يه گوشه يه تخت فلزي، و طرف ديگه يه يخچال کهنه و داغون، يه سينک که هم واسه شستن صورت و هم واسه شستن ظرفا (البته اگه ظرفي وجود داشته باشه) ازش استفاده مي کنم، يه دوش و زيردوشي که با يه پرده ي کثيف پوشونده شده که هر کي وارد اين خونه ي عجيب مي شه به عنوان جالباسي ازش استفاده مي کنه. کف اتاق يا بهتر بگم همون خونه ي من، چوبيه. البته چوبا به خاطر وجود رطوبت پوسيده ن. حالا هم که هوا سرد شده و اين رطوبت بيشتر... در رو که باز کني بيست تا پله ي آهني مي بيني که مستقيم جلوت صف کشيده ن و تنها راه ورود به خونه ي مخوف هستن.
از شباي ديگه کم حوصله تر بودم. اتاق واسه م زندان شده بود. دلم مي خواس يک و فقط يک در ديگه توي اتاق بود که من اون رو باز مي کردم و پا به يه اتاق جديد مي ذاشتم. اما به جز يه در داغون و يه پنجره ي شکسته چيز ديگه يي نبود. کم کم داشتم ديوونه مي شدم. کليد رو از روي تخت برداشتم. پالتو رو هم از روي دوش، ... تا پوشيدمش تمام تنم يخ کرد. يه نيم نگاه به دوش کافي بود تا علت خيس شدن پالتو رو بفهمم.
کاريش نمي شه کرد. بيرون، هوا از اين هم سردتره. در رو باز کردم. از اينکه هنوز يه کلاه پشمي نداشتم گريه م گرفت...
ادامه دارد.

September 9, 2004

together we stand...

سلام خوبي؟
مي خوام دوربين ديجيتال بخرم. مي خوام اسکيت خطي بخرم. مي خوام لپ تاپ پنتيوم 4 بخرم. مي خوام PS2 بخرم. مي خوام مدرک CIW بگيرم. مي خوام مدرک Microsoft بگيرم. مي خوام مدرک Cisco بگيرم. مي خوام IELTS امتاحان بدم. مي خوام DV Lottery شرکت کنم. مي خوام زبون برزيلي (Portuguese)ياد بگيرم. مي خوام فرانسوي ياد بگيرم. مي خوام برم برزيل. مي خوام برم منچستر. مي خوام برم کانادا. مي خوام برم مصر. مي خوام کارتون بسازم. مي خوام کتاب واسه بچه ها چاپ کنم. مي خوام گيتار بيس ياد بگيرم. مي خوام 2983479287492374982349234023948 نفر رو از نزديک ببينم. مي خوام خاطراتم رو کتاب کنم. مي خوام دور دنيا رو بگردم. مي خوام يه کليسا طراحي کنم. مي خوام يه مسجد طراحي کنم. مي خواستم تو هم با من باشي...
فعلا با اجازه.


Blosxom (pronounced "blossom") is a lightweight yet feature-packed weblog application designed from the ground up with simplicity, usability, and interoperability in mind.

Blogging--and, indeed, any online publishing-- should be as simple as typing away in your favourite text editor and hitting Save. Fundamental is Blosxom's reliance upon the file system, folders and files as its content database. Entries are plain text files like any other.

Create, edit, rename, and delete entries on the command-line, via FTP, WebDAV, or anything else you might use to manipulate your files. There's no import or export; entries are nothing more complex than title on the first line, body being everything thereafter.

Despite its tiny footprint, Blosxom doesn't skimp on features, sporting the lion's share of features one would find in any other Weblog application or full-blown content management and publishing system. Blosxom's plug-in architecture allows the core of Blosxom to remain small and sleek while providing room for extension and integration into different environments and uses. In fact, this entire site is powered by Blosxom; read all about it in the colophon.

Blosxom is simple, straightforward, minimalist Perl affording even the dabbler an opportunity for experimentation and customization.

And last, but not least, Blosxom is Open Source and free for the taking and altering.