August 18, 2005

broken link

love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself

love possesses not nor would it be possessed

for love is sufficient unto love

'the prophet'


Anonymous said...

baba farsi benevisid ke manam befahmam

Anonymous said...

عشق هديه اي نمي دهد مگر از گوهر ذات خويش
و هديه اي نمي پذيرد مگر از گوهر ذات خويش
عشق نه مالک است و نه مملوک
زيرا عشق براي عشق کافي است

ترجمه ي دکتر حسين الهي قمشه اي

Anonymous said...

mibinam ke hanoozam ke hanooze dari az eshgh o in chiza harf mizani?!!!to hanooz doros nashodi?LAELAHAELLAH.kheili ham khoob o aali!!!!rasti idit avaz shoode?

Anonymous said...

to anonymous(N**A*) :
نه هنوز عوض نشده. همونيه که قبل هم بود.